SIGMASOFT Thermoplastic: Unfilled Semi-Crystalline Material

Test ID



This TestPak generates the properties needed to perform a simulation of the filling, packing, and cooling phases, as well as warpage/shrinkage and viscoelastic post-molding behavior. These include Bagley-corrected viscosity vs. shear rate at three temperatures (two in the processing range and one below); thermal conductivity; specific heat vs. temperature; PVT data taken in the isobaric cooling mode for semi-crystalline materials; CLTE and modulus and Poisson’s ratio at five temperatures. Model fitting for SIGMASOFT is included.

Included Tests

3x R-012 Capillary Rheology with Bagley Correction (1 Temperature)
1x T-103 Thermal Conductivity Scan
1x T-015 Specific Heat
1x M-101T SIGMASOFT Mechanical Test
1x D-021 PVT (Isobaric)
1x D-017 Drying for Moisture Sensitive Materials
1x T-303 Thermal Expansion Coefficient by TMA
1x SP-105 Specimen Machining Services


For amorphous material please see TestPaks G-260 and G-262


: 1 kg of pellets


: 10 tensile bars



This TestPak is intended for only unfilled semi-crystalline materials. The TestPak is used to simulate everything from filling and packing phases to shrinkage warpage and viscoelastic behavior.

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